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Brian Edward KINSELLA

Born: 1945
Died: -

Mother: Maureen GYE
Father: Edward Louis KINSELLA

Married: Pauline Josephine LEEDER
Date: 18 March 1972 (divorced June 2009)

Nicola Clare KINSELLA (1975)
Penelope Ann KINSELLA (1979)
Edward Joseph KINSELLA (1981)
Caitlin Helen KINSELLA (1984)


Brian Edward Kinsella

Brian Edward Kinsella (right) with his brothers (from right to left, in order of age) Peter, Timothy, and Christopher

Brian Edward Kinsella

Brian, dancing up a storm!

Brian Edward Kinsella in his Australian Army Legal Corp uniform, wearing the medals he earned in Vietnam

The back of the medals Brian earned during his tour in Vietnam in 1968.

Portrait of Brian Edward Kinsella
Last updated: July 29, 2009